Guy Locke

 Guy Locke


Guy Locke was appointed to the JLSC in accordance with section 105(1)(e).

Guy is currently a Senior Advisor to ERG Asset Management. He is a former Partner with Walkers, attorneys at law in the Cayman Islands, and was head of its Global Insolvency and Restructuring Group for over 10 years.  Guy has considerable experience in distressed funds situations, having acted for Long Term Capital in their 1998 restructuring, through to more recent cases arising out of the global financial crisis of 2007/8, such as the Bear Stearns High-Grade and Enhance Leverage funds, Sphinx and Lehman Brothers. As such he has first-hand legal and practical experience of dealing with portfolio illiquidity issues arising from market and structural situations.  Guy has also acted in a number of other high profile bankruptcies and restructurings such as Enron, Parmalat and Asia Cell.

He has been appointed as a Member from 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2022.  Mr. Locke's appointment as a member was renewed on 1 January 2023 until 30 December 2027.